Monday, December 6, 2010

Wonders of Walking

image from: ~ZiAzon
"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it." That is one of my most favorite words from Plato. It tells the basic formula to keep yourself healthy and fit.

We all need some form of physical exercise atleast even for a couple of minutes a day. We might not notice its effect today, but in the long run, it will definitely define our health. It can even save us great deal of money and can even save us from some forms of cancer. That is why lots of institutions advocate walking for atleast 10,000 steps a day, jogging for 10 minutes or trying to learn to run for 10 kilometers. When you go to school, office or other places; when you go to the mall or even visit your doctor, try to walk and you will be able to slash the required number of walks , jogs and runs for the day.

Here are some reasons why you might consider some extra steps every day:

#1 -  Strolling can reduce stroke risk. Women who walked two or more hours a week or who usually walked at a brisk pace (3 miles per hour or faster) had a significantly lower risk of stroke than women who didn't walk, according to a large, long-term study reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

#2 - It can save you from breast cancer. According to the Nurse's Health Study after following the cases of almost 3000 women. They were able to find out that women who walk 1 - 3 hours per week after breast cancer diagnosis improve their survival rate by 20-50%, according to researchers. This effect is especially seen in women who have hormone-responsive tumors.

#3- Reduces the risk for developing diabetes. Walking improves muscle absorption of blood sugar thus preventing it from building into the bloodstream. This effect can last for hours or even days. That is why regular exercise is advisable.

#4 - It spices up your sex life. Walking not only helps in improving your body image, it also aids for a better blood circulation so risk for impotence can be prevented and according to a research from the University of Naples, some form of exercises like walking can improve erectile dysfunction in obese men.

#5 - It can save you some money. Walking is somehow economical. You don't need to pay membership on gyms to make you fit. You even have a lot of space where you can do your workout and most specially,  you don't have to worry in scheduling you workout hours.

#6 - Walking for your memory. There is a great connection between physical exercise and improve memory. When you try jogging for atleast 10 minutes a day, you blood oxygenation becomes very good and your brain will be oxygenated also. It also raises the level of neuroprotein which is essential to prevent depression and gives us a peace of mind. 

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